Wednesday, August 16, 2006

Existing Motivation/Incentive Memory Work

database: psycINFO
search terms: incentive (kw), memory (kw), retention (kw)
1. Incentive level influence on overt rehearsal and free recall as a function of age
2. Effects of incentive on cued recall
3. Rewarded remembering: Dissociations between self-rated motivation and memory performance
4. Variation in reports of covert rehearsal and in STM produced by differential payoff
5. Affect and short-term retention
6. Studies in motivation and retention: II. Retention of nonsense syllables learned under different degrees of motivation
7. Motivation and long-term memory
8. Hartley, J. & Walsh, D. (1980). The effect of monetary incentive on amount and rate of free recall on older and younger adults. Journal of Gerontology, 35, 899-905.

search terms: incentive (kw), recall (kw)
1. The effect of increased incentive on free recall by learning-disabled and nondisabled children
2. Effects of incentive on the storage and retrieval of verbal items
3. Effects of monetary incentives on rehearsal and on cued recall


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